Coping With Field Bindweed Without Using Herbicides - It's Free! : Zensational Ergonica!, The Art of Eco-Health

Coping With Field Bindweed Without Using Herbicides

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PDF 2 pages one species 2 images by Sue Dockstader Northwest Coalition For Alternatives To Pesticides / NCAP

Coping With Field Bindweed Without Using Herbicides.
Field bindweed is more than a nuisance; it?s a pernicious weed. Like many nonnative invasives, bindweed is a tough plant that threatens to take over once it gets a toehold. Its cosmopolitan presence in many temperate climates has earned it 84 names in 29 different languages?most of those names are not kind.1 There aren?t many positive things to say about a plant that can smother a garden in a season and reappear Terminator-like after the most conscientious yanking. However, bindweed can be managed and even eliminated if you are persistent.

Field bindweed?s Latin name, Convolvulus arvensis describes the plant well, being derived from convolere, ?to entwine,? and arvensis, ?of the fields.?2 It also goes by the common names wild morning glory, creeping jenny, creeping charlie, cornbind, greenvine, and lovevine.3 Not to be confused with the annual ornamental morning glory (Ipomoea spp.), field bindweed is an aggressive perennial weed.3,4 Bindweed, a native of Eurasia, was sold as an ornamental in the U.S. in the early 1800s. It was firmly established in the West by the end of that century.1

1. Austin, D.F. 2000. Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis, Convolvulaceae) in North America? From medicine to menace. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 127:172-177.
2. Lyons, K.E. 2001. Element stewardship abstract for Convolvulus arvensis L. field bindweed. The Nature Conservancy. esadocs/documnts/convarv.html.
3. Calif. Dept. of Food and Agriculture. Undated. Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.). http:/ / convolvulus.htm.
4. Univ. of Idaho Extension. 1999. Homewise: No matter what we do, our morning glory weeds come back every year. Any advice? Aug. 23. homewise_082399.htm
5. Hodges, L. 2003. Bindweed identification and control options for organic production. NebFacts. Univ. of Nebraska ? Lincoln Cooperative Extension. http:/ /
6. Univ. of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2003. Field Bindweed. Pest Notes. Publ. # 7462. PESTNOTES/pn7462.html.
7. Washington State Univ. Cooperative Extension. Undated. Hortsense: Weeds: Field bindweed (Wild morningglory): Convolvulus arvensis. http:/ /
8. Sullivan, P. 2004. Field bindweed control alternatives. ATTRA. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. attra-pub/PDF/bindweed.pdf
9. Lanini, W. T. Undated. Organic weed management in vineyards. University of California, Davis Cooperat
10. Cox, H.R. 1915. The eradication of bindweed or wild morning-glory. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Farmers? Bulletin 368. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
11. Littlefield, J.L. 2004. Bindweeds. In Biological control of invasive plants in the United States, ed. E.M. Coombs et al. Corvallis OR: Oregon State Universityy Press. Pp. 150-157.
12. New Mexico State Univ. Cooperative Extension Service. 2004. Managing Aceria malherbae gall mites for control of field bindweed. http:// CR%20600.pdf.

Regions impacted :(See related documents in region) Northwest, Northwestern, Pacific, Pacific Alaska, Rocky Mountain

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