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Many of the Weed Identification documents at Ergonica can also be found on other websites through authors identified in each item's description. Since original publishers often change their websites and URLs, making the orignal source unavailable, Ergonica copies the documents and publishes them as archived documents for the long term. Original URLs are not presented for the same reason. Document keywords at Ergonica are derived and offered through Ergonica research, even though original publishers often do not make many keywords available. This means that your keyword searches for locations, publishers, types of weeds, etc., may be more productive here at the Ergonica Catalog than on the Internet in general through any search engine. This is a public service that unveils some information that is otherwise hidden from Web searches, either through neglect, economic considerations or intent. Use the search tool above to enter any keywords relevant to your information interests.
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Laboratory Grass and Sedge Weed Identification
PDF 10 pages 16 weed species identified by Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSUAgCenter.com). Grass and Sedge Weed Identification. A....
Weed Identification and Control Training Course
PDF 463 pages 143 weed species or types by ABCTLC.COM, Fairbanks, Alaska, also applies to Arizona, New Mexico and USA Southwest. Weed Identification...
Weed Identification and Control Guide Nevada
PDF 32 pages 28 weed species identified by University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Weed Identification and Control Guide by Susan Donaldson and...
Invasive Aquatic Weed Identification Guide
PDF 22 pages 8 weed species identified by EPA - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Invasive Weed Identification Guide W2O! Weeds Watch Out! Stop...
Weed Identification Purdue University NRCA 2006
PDF 88 pages 68 weed species identified by Purdue University, Indiana. Weed Identification NRCA 2006. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources....
Broadleaf and Grass Weed Seedling Identification Keys
PDF 2 pages more than 50 weed species and types identified by University of Minnesota Extension. Broadleaf and Grass Weed Seedling Identification...
Weed Identification in Pastures and Hayfields
PDF 26 pages 51 weed species identified by North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, Weed Science Department and Virginia Tech Weed...
Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States
PDF 23 pages 54 weed species identified by Andrew J. Chomas, James J. Kells, J. Boyd Carey Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Michigan State...
Weed Identification List - Horticulture - Nursery Production
PDF 5 pages 31 weed species identified by Dr. John Boyd and Dr. Jim Robbins, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. This list reflects...
Small Farms Weed Identification
PDF 4 pages 60 weed species identified by SmallFarms.net Australia. Photographs kindly supplied with the assistance of NSW Department of Primary...
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- Weed Identification and Control...
- Broadleaf and Grass Weed Seedling...
- Weed Identification Purdue...
- Weed Identification Guide BASF
- Weed Identification in Pastures...
- Common Weed Seedlings of the North...
- Laboratory Grass and Sedge Weed...
- Weed Identification List -...
- Integrated Pest Management Weed...
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