Alibates Field Guide 51 FlowersTexas Master Naturalist - It's Free! : Zensational Ergonica!, The Art of Eco-Health

Alibates Field Guide 51 FlowersTexas Master Naturalist

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PDF 56 pages 51 species 59 images 51 Flowers at Alibates Texas Master Naturalist Publication - Panhandle Chapter - 2007

This production is dedicated to Susan Thompson our fearless trainer and mentor who led our quest through the Texas Master Naturalist Training.
Troney Toler, Joanne Toler, Ginger Frazier, Judith Jones, Sherry Adkins, Lisa Lanier, Helena Reed, Jim Steiert, Dave Zallar, Steven Donaldson, Carol Williams, Shelley Armitage, Terry Prescott, Jo Ann Ross,
Sherry Adkins. Texas Master Naturalists Panhandle Chapter Class of 2007 October 2009.
Revisions made to the publication with help of Susan Thompson, Joanne Toler, and all of the current PTMN members.
A special thanks to proofing and expertise of people who know far more about identifications than any of us; Wes Phillips, Pam Allison, J. R. Bell Clint Rollins
As part of our required training , the 2007 Texas Master Naturalist, trainees were taken on a hike to the Alibates National
Flint quarry. The hike and training was led by Wes Phillips. Wes is an Archeologist, Entomologist, Historian, Biologist, Naturalist,
and just about every other kind of -ologist you could think of. He has worked in five major national parks from the Grand Canyon to the Virginia Yorktown Battlefield. He is now
retired from the National Park Service, and currently curator of Hutchinson County Museum. Wes is very knowledgeable in the field of plants,
insects, history, and archaeology.

As part of our training we were asked to develop a field guide to the plants we saw along the trail, with Wes's expert help and time we cataloged 51 plants.
The project was to produce a pamphlet that would be beneficial to the Park Rangers who normally led the hike. The original concept was to build index sized cards to
key the different plant species, and after a few missteps - what finally developed was this little pamphlet. All of the Texas Master Naturalists contributed their
specialties to this project and it is the end result of, many emails, many proofs, revisions in text, and identification. We hope you enjoy our efforts which are a true non-profit
labor of love - of the great Texas Outdoors.

1. Yucca glauca (soap weed yucca)
Family : Agave (Agavaceae)

2. Gaillardia pulchella (Indian Blanket , Firewheel);
Family: Asteraceae

3. Penstemon albidus ( White beardtongue)
Family : Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)

4. Oxytropis lambertii ( Purple Loco, lambert?s crazy weed)
Family : Legume (Fabaceae)
Poisonous; most dangerous because it is eagerly eaten by livestock

5. Thelesperma filifolium (Green-thread)
Family: Asteraceae

6. Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (Tansy aster; Tahoka daisy)
Family: Asteraceae

7. Hymenopappus tenuifolius
(Old Plainsman; Woolly-white)
Family: Asteraceae
Hymenopappus flavescens

8. Engelmannia peristenia (Engelmann daisy; Cutleaf daisy)
Synonyms: Engelmannia pinnatifida
Family: Asteraceae

9. Chaetopappa ericoides (Baby white aster)
Family: Asteraceae

10. Polygala alba (White milkwort)
Family: Polygalaceae
White Milkwort; Polygalaceae Sioux Drug (Ear Medicine)

11. Castilleja sessiliflora (Downy paintbrush, Downy painted cup ,
Prairie paintbrush)
Family: Scrophulariaceae

12. Mimosa microphylla ( littleleaf sensitive-briar)
Synonym: Mimosa rupertiana , Schrankia uncinata
Family: Fabaceae This plant was renamed from Schrankia uncinata to Mimosa microphylla

13. Melampodium leucanthum (Blackfoot daisy)
Family: Asteraceae

14. Calylophus hartwegii (Sundrops; Hartweg?s sundrops)
Family: Onagraceae
Navajo, Ramah Drug (Panacea)

15. Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate flower; Lyreleaf greeneyes)
Family: Asteraceae
Acoma Food (Spice) Keres, Western Drug (Sedative)

16. Echinocereus reichenbachii (Lace cactus)
Familly: Cactaceae
In certain parts of it's range, a variant of Echinocereus reichenbachii var.
albertii is heavily collected, threatening extinction. Echinocereus reichenbachii var. albertii
Black Lace Cactus

17. Mimosa biuncifera (Catclaw mimosa)
Family: Fabaceae
also called 'wait-a-minute plant'

18. Asclepias asperula (Antelope horn)
Family: Asclepiadaceae

19. Gaura coccinea (Scarlet gaura)
Family: Onagraceae
Navajo, Ramah Drug (Antiemetic)

20. Gaillardia pinnatifida (Yellow gaillardia)
Family: Asteraceae
Red Dome Blanketflower; Asteraceae

21. Sphaeralcea coccinea (Scarlet globemallow; Caliche
Family: Malvaceae

22. Machaeranthera pinnatifida (Yellow spiny daisy , Lacy
Tansyaster )
Synonyms:Haplopappus spinulosus
Family: Asteraceae
Lacy Tansyaster; Asteraceae

23. Tetraneuris scaposa ( Bitter weed, stemmy four-nerve
daisy )
Family: Asteraceae

24. Rhus aromatica
(Lemon sumac, skunkbush)
Family: Anacardiaceae
Rhus aromatica Ait.
Fragrant Sumac; Anacardiaceae

25. Psoralea tenuiflora (slim leaf Scurf pea, Wild alfalfa, prairie turnip)
Family: Fabaceae

26. Delphinium carolinianum (Prairie larkspur)
Synonyms: Delphinium virescens
Family: Ranunculaceae All parts of this plant can be considered extremely toxic

27. Hoffmannseggia glauca (Hog potato)
Family: Fabaceae

28. Artemisia ludoviciana (white sagewort; Mexican
sagewort, prairie sagewort )
Family: Asteraceae

29. Artemisia filifolia (Sand sagebrush)
Family: Asteraceae

30. Linum rigidum (Yellow flax)
Family: Linaceae

31. Tradescantia occidentalis (Spiderwort)
Family: Commelinaceae
Prairie Spiderwort Commelinaceae

32. Allium drummondii (Wild onion)
Family: Liliaceae

33. Centaurea americana (Basket flower)
Family: Asteraceae

34. Mentzelia nuda (Sand Lily)
Family: Loasaceae

35. Opuntia polyacantha (Plains prickly pear)
Family: Cactaceae

36. Opuntia phaeacantha (Brown-spined prickly pear, Tulip prickly pear)
Family: Cactaceae
Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. Tulip Pricklypear; Cactaceae

37. Dalea aurea (Golden dalea)
Family: Fabaceae

38. Prosopis glandulosa (Mesquite)
Family: Fabaceae

39. Krameria lanceolata (Ratany; Prairie bur)
Family: Krameriaceae

40. Solanum elaeagnifolium (Silverleaf nightshade)
Family: Solanaceae

41. Dalea purpurea (purple prairie clover)
Family: Fabaceae

42. Lesquerella gordonii (Bladderpod; Popweed, Gordon bladderpod)
Family: Brassicaceae
When seed pods mature and become dry they pop when stepped on This species is named for James Gordon, a London nurseryman who lived in
the 1700's. There are documented medical uses for other species but not gordonii. Gordon bladderpod can be poisonous to horses by causing
swelling in the lower body, high temperature, depression, swollen legs and founder.

43. Cirsium undulatum (Wavy-leaf Thistle)
Family: Asteraceae

44. Dalea formosa (Feather dalea)
Family: Fabaceae

45. Psilostrophe villosa (Paperflower)
Family: Asteraceae

46. Oenothera albicaulis (White evening primrose)
Family: Onagraceae

47. Hedysarum boreale (Sweet Vetch)
Family: Fabaceae

48. Tragopogon dubius (yellow salsify, goats beard)
Family: Asteraceae

49. Erigeron modestus (Fleabane daisy)
Family: Asteraceae

50. Chamaesaracha coniodes (Ground saracha; ground cherry)
Family: Solanaceae

51. Giliastrum rigidulum (Prickleleaf gilia)
Family: Polemoniaceae


Plant identification and correct naming:
USDA Plants Database
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information
about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and
lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Ethnobotanical information:
Native American Ethnobotany Database
The University of Michigan - Dearborn
Wildflowers of the Western Plains: A Field Guide
Zoe Merriman Kirkpatrick
Common Rangeland Plants of the Texas Panhandle
Clint Rollins, NRCS ; J.R. Bell, NRCS Retired
Editing, final research, production of brochure, publishing, mistakes
in spelling :) Troney A. Toler
Editor notes are indicated by the initials - TA
A special thanks goes to Joanne P. Toler who proofed my proofs
and found many errors. Also to JR Bell, Pamala Allison, and
many others for help in correcting plant mis-identifications as
paired to photographs.
Original research was done on site with the books mentioned and
others that may not be sited. There were some discrepancies in the
naming of species once all references were collated, when
discrepancies occurred ,the USDA database was given priority.
Look for synonyms in dealing with cross references.
Revisions made 9/08/2009, I hope it is all correct.

Regions Impacted: (See related documents in region)



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