Weed Identification in Pastures and Hayfields Weed Identification in Pastures and Hayfields - - It's Free! : Zensational Ergonica!, The Art of Eco-Health

Weed Identification in Pastures and Hayfields

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PDF 26 pages 51 weed species identified by North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, Weed Science Department and Virginia Tech Weed Science. This handout is designed to help you identify common weeds found in Southeastern North Carolina pastures and hayfields. This handout has descriptions and pictures of some of the most common weeds. It is divided into warm season broadleaf, grass and other weeds and cool season broadleaf, grass and other weeds. Control methods are not recommended in this handout due to differences in situations, locations, rapidly changing labels, and new products. Please call your local Extension Agent for the best control method for your farm.

Weed Images Identified

Warm Season Broadleaf Weeds: Cudweed, Cudweed Seedhead, Dogfennel, Horsenettle, Lambsquarter, Lambsquarter Seedhead, Mare?s Tail or Horseweed, Pigweed, redroot Pigweed, redroot Pokeweed, Pokeweed fruit, Ragweed Showy crotalaria, Showy crotalaria

Warm Season Grass Weeds: Bahiagrass, Bahiagrass Seedhead, Barnyardgrass, Barnyard grass seedhead, Broomsedge, Broadleaf Signalgrass, Broadleaf Signalgrass, Crabgrass, Crabgrass seedhead, Dallisgrass, Dallisgrass seedheads, Fall Panicum, Fall Panicum Seedhead, Foxtail, Foxtail Seedheads ? Giant, Green and Yellow Goosegrass, Goosegrass Seedheads, Johnsongrass, Johnsongrass seedhead, Vaseygrass seedhead

Warm Season Other Weeds: Common Lespedeza, Common Lespedeza, Field Sandbur or Sandspur, Field Sandbur or Sandspur Nutsedge Seedheads, Nutsedge, Prickly Pear

Cool Season Broadleaf Weeds: Buttercup, Carolina Chickweed, Curly Dock, Curly Dock, Curly Dock - Mature seed heads, Henbit, False Dandelion, Geranium, Carolina Oldfield, Toadflax Plantain, Broadleaf Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Buckhorn Red Sorrel, Virginia Pepperweed, Wild Garlic, Wild Garlic or Onion, Wild Mustard

Cool Season Grass Weeds: Annual Bluegrass- Poa Annua, Italian Ryegrass Seedhead, Little Barley

Cool Season Other Weeds: Hairy vetch, Hairy Vetch Yellow, Hop Clover

Regions Impacted: (See related documents in region) USA, South Atlantic, Southeast, Southern

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 09 March, 2010.

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