Laboratory Broadleaf Weed Identification - Louisiana - It's Free! : Zensational Ergonica!, The Art of Eco-Health

Laboratory Broadleaf Weed Identification - Louisiana

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PDF 12 pages 36 species identified by Louisiana State University Agriculture Center.

Laboratory Broadleaf Weed Identification - Louisiana

Tips for Identifying Broadleaf Weeds
�� The cotyledon is an important identifying characteristic for broadleaf weeds.
�� Shape and position of leaves, presence of pubescence or hairs, and venation are all helpful characteristics.
�� When weeds are mature, flower size, shape, and color can be used to distinguish weeds.
�� Some broadleaf weeds such as pigweeds or morningglories can be difficult to specifically
identify because of natural crossings that can occur between species within the same genera.
�� Broadleaf weeds are all dicots

Weeds identified:
common cocklebur
common purslane
common ragweed
cutleaf groundcherry
cypressvine morningglory
eclipta showy crotalaria
entireleaf morningglory
giant ragweed
hemp sesbania
hophornbeam copperleaf
ivyleaf morningglory
palmleaf morningglory
Pennsylvania smartweed
pigweed sp.
pitted morningglory
prickly sida
prostrate spurge
purple moonflower
red morningglory
sharppod morningglory
silverleaf nightshade
smallflower morningglory
spotted spurge
wild poinsettia
woolly croton

Regions Impacted: (See related documents in region) USA, Southern, Southwest

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 27 May, 2011.

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