Western US Invasive Plant EDRR Weed Identification Guide - It's Free! : Zensational Ergonica!, The Art of Eco-Health

Western US Invasive Plant EDRR Weed Identification Guide

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PDF 98 pages 45 weed species by Oregon Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Control Program, US Department of Agriculture APHIS PPQ.

Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) is an approach to invasive species management that focuses on surveying and monitoring at-risk areas to find infestations at their earliest stages of invasion. Along with prevention, this method is the most successful, cost effective, and least environmentally damaging means of control.

If new invasive noxious weeds are allowed to go unchecked, economic losses will exceed the present control costs of eradication or containment by several orders of magnitude. After initial introduction of a new invasive plant, there is a short period of opportunity for eradication or containment. Once permanently established, a new invader becomes a long-term management problem. States identified include California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and USA

Western US Invasive Plant EDRR Weed ID Guide

Camelthorn S?1
Silverleaf nightshade S?3
Syrian bean-caper S?5
Portuguese broom S?7
Purple loosestrife S?9
Saltcedar S?11
Tropical soda apple S?13
Turkeyberry S?15
African boxthorn S?17

Kudzu V?1
Heartleaf hempvine V?3
Mile-a-minute V?5
Creeping groundsel V?7

Squarrose knapweed F?1
Iberian and purple starthistle F?3
Woolly and smooth distaff thistle F?5
Plumeless thistle F?7
Orange hawkweed F?9
Orange hawkweed F?10
Yellow-fl owered hawkweeds F?11
Giant hogweed F?13
Paterson?s curse F?15
Coltsfoot F?17
African rue F?19
Texas blueweed F?21
Skeletonleaf bursage F?23
Common bugloss F?25
Garlic mustard F?27
Japanese knotweed F?29
Rush skeletonweed F?31
Goatsrue F?33
Onionweed F?35
Pom pom weed F?37
Narrow-leaved ragwort F?39
Senegal tea plant F?41
Stemless thistle F?43

Yellow fl oating heart A?1
Hydrilla A?3
European water chestnut A?5
Swamp stonecrop A?7

Cordgrasses G?1
Barbed goatgrass G?3
Matgrass G?5
Purple nutsedge G?7
Serrated tussock G?9

Contacts and information xi
Acknowledgements xii
Index xiii

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Regions impacted: (See related documents in region) Northwest, Northwestern, Pacific, Pacific Alaska, Rocky Mountain

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 27 June, 2010.

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