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What I Feel

Sulaiman Hassan
Jakarta, Indonesia

Ergonica Weed Poetry Winner for May, 2001

When the sun is rising in the morning
His light is covering us
Melting the night dew over our body

We are waking up from our sleep
We crack our leaves and flowers
Because we know that our master will come to see us

With the soft voice he greets us
"Morning my weeds,
How was your sleep last night?"

Then he will walk around the garden
Addressing all the weeds one by one,
Touching and stroking our leaves and flowers

Sometimes our master heaves a deep sigh
And at that time
We try to produce the purest oxygen we can give

At the daytime the heat of the sun is stinging
Our master comes back to see us
And brings water for us

He pours us
The cool water 
That stimulates and refreshes us

Finally the daytime is past
And in the afternoon
Our master comes back again to see us

But at this time to say goodbye greetings
"Oh my weeds, the night is coming,
Have a nice dream, see you tomorrow!"

Well, the night has arrived
The cool night dew is coming
Covering our bodies
Making us sleep soundly ....


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The original poetry is written in Indonesian,
and I attach it below:

Ketika matahari terbit di pagi hari
Cahayanya menyelimuti kami
Mencairkan embun malam di tubuh kami

Kami bangun dari tidur kami
Kami merekahkan daun dan bunga-bunga kami
Karena kami tahu tuan kami akan datang melihat kami

Dengan suaranya yang lembut ia menyapa kami
"Selamat pagi tumbuh-tumbuhanku,
bagaimana istirahatmu semalam?"

Ia akan berkeliling di seputar taman
menyapa satu persatu tumbuhan yang ada
sambil menyentuh dan mengelus daun dan bunga kami

Kadang ia suka menarik nafas dalam-dalam
dan di saat seperti itu
kami berusaha mengeluarkan udara terbersih yang dapat kami berikan

Di siang hari panas matahari begitu menyengat
Sang tuan datang kembali menjenguk kami
dengan membawa air bagi kami

Ia menyiram kami
dengan air dingin yang menyegarkan
membuat kami menjadi bergairah dan segar

Siang hari yang panaspun akhirnya berlalu
Di sore haripun
kembali sang tuan mengunjungi kami

Kali ini ia datang untuk mengucapkan salam perpisahan
"Wahai tumbuh-tumbuhanku, hari sudah malam,
selamat beristirahat, sampai bertemu esok pagi!"

Malampun tiba,
embun malam yang sejuk mendatangi kami
menyelimuti tubuh kami
membuat kami tertidur lelap.....

More Weed Poetry to enjoy!  See Ergonica Weed Poetry Contest guidelines to enter your weed poetry

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