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South Carolina SC Resource Description     Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
South Carolina Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 26 weeds in South Carolina categorized as Aquatic nuisance species: illegal aquatic plants in South Carolina (A), Species of concern, not considered noxious (C). 26 Free Name Links html Google 100
South Carolina USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service State of South Carolina.  South Carolina Aquatic Nuisance Species Program. 2003. Illegal Aquatic Plants in South Carolina.  State Crop Pest Commission. 2000. Designation of Plant Pests. 128 Free Name Links html Most 100
South Carolina Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 118


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
South Carolina Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 142


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
South Carolina Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 235


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


South Carolina Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 200


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


South Carolina 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 640


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


South Carolina Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 344


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


South Carolina Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  296 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


South Carolina More South Carolina Weeds... More Weed ID files for South Carolina   About South Carolina Landscaping...
South Carolina Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in South Carolina?  

South Dakota SD Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
South Dakota Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 8 noxious weeds in South Dakota defined as Noxious weed (Y). 8 Free Name Links html Google 100
South Dakota


USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service State of South Dakota.  South Dakota Code. 2003. Plant Quarantine & Treatment, Chapter 38-24A, Article 12:51.  South Dakota Code. 2003. South Dakota Weed and Pest Control, Chapter 38-22, Article 12:62. 27 Free Name Links html Most 100
South Dakota Western State and Provincial Weed List State Noxious Weeds. Those 8 weeds which the South Dakota Weed and Pest Commission has designated as sufficiently detrimental to the state to warrant enforcement of control measures.  Local Noxious Weeds. Those 17 weeds that the South Dakota Weed and Pest Commission has designated in one or more counties for enforcement of control measures. 25 Free Text List Only html None N/A
South Dakota State & Local Declared Weeds & Pests South Dakota, Pennington County Weed & Pest Department:  In South Dakota it is a class 2 misdemeanor if your land is infested with state or local declared noxious weeds or pests. South Dakota has seven declared noxious weeds and two declared pests. South Dakota Weed & Pest Commission allows counties to list six additional weeds and pests on its locally declared list.  List includes 7 state declared weeds and 5 Pennington County declared weeds. 12 Free Name Links html Yes 100
South Dakota Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 147


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
South Dakota Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 203


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
South Dakota Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 201


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


South Dakota Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 239


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


South Dakota 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 534


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


South Dakota Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 237


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


South Dakota Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  201 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


South Dakota More South Dakota Weeds... More Weed ID files for South Dakota   About South Dakota Landscaping...
South Dakota Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in South Dakota?  

Tennessee TN Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Tennessee USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Department of Agriculture of Tennessee. 1998. Plant Pest Act. 3 Free Name Links html Most 100
Tennessee Invasive Exotic Pest Plants in Tennessee Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council, May 2001:  The purpose of this list is to identify introduced plant species that are invasive or may become invasive and cause damage to native plant communities. Introduced species are plants not native to a region of the state and are referred to as exotics.  Rank 1 "Severe Threat" - Exotic plant species (29) that possess characteristics of invasive species and spread easily into native plant communities and displace native vegetation; includes species that are or could become widespread in Tennessee. Rank 2 "Significant Threat" - Exotic plant species (49) that possess characteristics of invasive species but are not presently considered to spread as easily into native plant communities as those species listed as Rank 1. Rank 3 "Lesser Threat" - Exotic plant species (28) that spread in or near disturbed areas; and are not presently considered a threat to native plant communities.  Watch List A — Exotic plants (24) that naturalize and may become a problem in the future. At this time more information is needed, and there is no consensus about their status. Watch List B — Exotic plant species (6) that are severe problems in surrounding states but have not been reported in Tennessee. 136 Free Text List Only html None N/A
Tennessee Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 144


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Tennessee Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 160


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Tennessee Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 261


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Tennessee Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 217


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Tennessee 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 681


Select by key plant features and region DVD Rom Yes


Tennessee Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 338


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Tennessee Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  291 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Tennessee More Tennessee Weeds... More Weed ID files for Tennessee   About Tennessee Landscaping...
Tennessee Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Tennessee?  

Texas TX Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB

Texas Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 45 Noxious weeds in Texas classified as Prohibited noxious weed seed: highly destructive and difficult to control by ordinary good cultural practice (S1), Restricted noxious weed seed: objectionable in fields, lawns, and gardens, but can be controlled by good cultural practices (S2). 45 Free Name Links html Google 100
Texas USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service The Texas Register.  Department of Agriculture. 2003. Quarantines and Noxious Plants, Chapter 19. 30 Free Name Links html Most 100
Texas Weeds of the Northern Blackland Prairie Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas A&M University - Commerce: If you live in north central Texas, which is located on the Blackland Prairie, and need to have a weed identified, you've come to the right place. Here you will find a growing collection of photographs and identification information for weeds commonly found in our area. Use the weed selector below to view the weed you are interested in or to browse through our current collection of photographs and descriptions.   51 Free Drop-down List of Weed Names html Yes 500
Texas Vascular Plant Image Gallery Texas A&M University Service Projects, Bioinformatics Working Group:  A repository of over 8,800 plant images developed and maintained by the TAMU-BWG, plus those made available by collaborators, is available for public use through the Vascular Plant Image Gallery. The system allows access by Family and a string query option that returns image sets that match a specific word input by the user. 8,800 Free Name Links by Plant Families and Species html Yes 100
Texas Texas Toxic Plant Database Texas A&M University: Toxic Plants of Texas describes and illustrates the 106 most common potentially toxic plants in Texas. Along with two or more color photos of each plant, the handbook includes clinical signs in cattle, horses, sheep and/or goats, toxic agents, suggested treatments for poisoned animals and management strategies for plant infestations. 106


Text with Images Print or CD-ROM Yes 100
Texas Texas Toxic Plant Database Texas A&M University: Toxic Plants of Texas describes and illustrates the 106 most common potentially toxic plants in Texas. Same data and images from printed version above listed by common name, scientific name, region, symptom or livestock.. 106


Text with Images html Yes 100
Texas Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 133


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Texas Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 160


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Texas Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 225


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Texas Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 257


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Texas 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 728


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Texas Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 371


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Texas Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  320 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Texas More Texas Weeds... More Weed ID files for Texas   About Texas Landscaping...
Texas Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Texas?  

Utah UT



Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Utah Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 20 noxious weeds in Utah identified as Noxious weed (Y). 20 Free Name Links html Google 100
Utah USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Utah Department of Agriculture. 2003. Utah Noxious Weed Act. 23 Free Name Links html Most 100
Utah Western State and Provincial Weed List The following 19 weeds are officially designated and published as noxious for the State of Utah, as per the authority vested in the Commissioner of Agriculture under Section 4-17-3, Utah Noxious Weed Act. 19 Free Text List Only html None N/A
Utah Utah Noxious Weed List Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse, United States Geological Survey, Northern Arizona University, National Biological Information Infrastructure. From the Utah Noxious Weed List, August 2003. Taxonomy for the list has been changed to concur with the USDA Plants database. For more information, go to the Utah Noxious Weed List home page. 21 Free Name Links html Yes 30
Utah Officially Designated Noxious Weeds in the State of Utah Utah Bureau of Land Management: All property owners are encourages to develop and implement control measures that will control and prevent the spread of these invading weeds. 18 Free Text with Images html Yes 10
Utah Noxious Weeds Utah Salt Lake County Weed Control Program:  Outside of their native origins, noxious weeds become oppressors with no known natural competitors to keep their populations in check.  Includes 9 species with pink-purple flowers, 3 with white-green flowers, 4 with yellow-orange flowers and 5 grasses. 21 Free Name and Image Links html Yes 20
Utah Utah's 18 Most Noxious Weeds - What Are They? Utah Weber County Weed Abatement: Noxious Weeds spoil things for the vast majority of us! They can render sports and recreation sites useless and destroy the businesses that serve them. Weeds harm public health, crops, livestock, and the land. 18 Free Name Links html Most 50
Utah Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 160


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Utah Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 188


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Utah Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 188


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Utah Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 285


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Utah 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The CD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 551


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Utah Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 222


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Utah Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  189 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Utah More Utah Weeds... More Weed ID files for Utah   About Utah Landscaping...
Utah Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Utah?  

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Where do YOU go for Weed Control?  Ergonica - World of Weeds!  See the Garden Tools page for a comprehensive listing of Weed Solutions including Mechanical Weeders, Weed Twisters, Weed Pullers, Weed Poppers, Weed Flamers,  Weed Removal Hand Tools, Weed Hounds, Weed Claws, Garden Weasels, Weed Hoes, Weed Whips, Weed Hooks, Weed Cutters, Weed Scythes, Weed Cultivators, Weed Diggers, Weed Trimmers, Weed Grubbers, Weed Gloves and other tools and accessories including Organic Weed Herbicides and Weed Barriers and special Ergonomic Tools for people with arthritis or CTS

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