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 North American Weed ID Picture Lists by State or Province - Ontario to Saskatchewan - Know your Weeds to Control your Weeds!

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Ontario, Canada ON Resource Description   Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Ontario, Canada Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 23 noxious weeds in Ontario, Canada, classified as Noxious weed (Y). 23 Free Name Links html Google 100
Ontario, Canada Ontario Weeds - Weed Gallery List of 237 broadleaf weeds and 31 grassy weeds in Ontario by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 268 Free Name Links html Yes 30
Ontario, Canada Ontario Weeds, Publication 505 - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food An excellent reference to identify weeds found across Ontario. Includes detailed botanical descriptions, line drawings, colour plates and key to guide you through accurate identifications. Descriptions of more than 315 species from 25 families of weedy plants are included. Used for over 40 years as the premier resource to identify weeds in Ontario. 315


Text, line drawings, images printed book N/A N/A
Ontario, Canada Weed Identification Quiz Interactive online quiz showing images of weeds and multiple choice of names by Leslie Huffman, Weed Management Specialist Oxnard Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 11 Free Images with drop-down names lists html Yes 30
Ontario, Canada Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 165


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Ontario, Canada Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 226


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Ontario, Canada Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 266


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Ontario, Canada Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 232


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Ontario, Canada 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 666


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Ontario, Canada Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 287


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Ontario, Canada Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  233 $120.005 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


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Oregon OR Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Oregon Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 112 noxious weeds in Oregon defined as Noxious weed of known economic importance which occurs in small enough infestations to make eradication / containment possible; or is not known to occur, but is present in neighboring states (A), Noxious weed of economic importance which is regionally abundant, but may have limited distribution in some countries; biological control is the preferred approach (B), Priority noxious weed designated as a target species for statewide management plan (T). 112 Free Name Links html Google 100
Oregon USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service State of Oregon.  Oregon Administrative Rules. 2003. Quarantine; Noxious Weeds, Chapter 603-52-1200.  Oregon Department of Agriculture. 2003. Noxious Weed Policy and Classification System. 205 Free Name Links html Most 100
Oregon Western State and Provincial Weed List "A"-designated weeds, count 29, are those of known economic importance that occur in Oregon in small enough infestations to make eradication or containment possible - or they are not known to occur, but their presence in neighboring states makes occurrence in Oregon seem imminent. It is recommended that infestations receive intensive control.  "B"-listed weeds, count 69, are those that of economic importance that are regionally abundant, but may have limited distribution in some counties. Intensity of control is determined on a case-by-case basis. Where implementation of a fully integrated statewide management plan is not feasible, biological control shall be the main control approach. 98 Free Text List Only html None N/A
Oregon Weed Identification Organized by Latin Name Oregon State University Weed Science Program:  The Oregon State University Agronomic Weed Science Program conducts basic and applied research and extension programs in partnership with Oregon growers, agricultural industry, and public agencies. Research and extension efforts promote the adoption of improved weed management strategies that improve profitability of agronomic crops while assuring environmental safety.   79 Free Name Lists html most 30
Oregon Cereal Central - Weed Identification and Control Oregon State University Extension Service:  Weeds have been identified by wheat farmers as their #1 problem. Weeds rob our water, fertilizer, sunlight and money. Here we have pictures to identify weeds and control measures to fight weeds. Production practices, pesticide options and biological controls will be highlighted on this page. 16 Free Text with Images html Yes 15
Oregon Eastern Oregon Noxious Weed Partnership - Plant Identification Hitch Hikin' Spike © is the leader of the pack (some botanists would say he's just another "darned composite", a plant of mixed and dubious heredity, which may also be true). He's also the "poster boy" for Oregon's campaign, here to educate and inform YOU about the threats, wonders and dangers of noxious weeds. 20 Free Name Links html Yes 30
Oregon Noxious Weeds Field Guide ODA has published a handy loose-leaf field guide that outdoor workers and enthusiasts can carry with them to help identify key invasive plants. The guide contains 51 waterproof cards, roughly four inches by five inches in size, bound by an easy-to-detach ring so that new cards can be added from time to time. Cards contain photo identification, description, and pertinent information for each of the most serious weed species threatening Oregon. 51 TBA Text with Images Loose Leaf Yes NA
Oregon Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 187


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Oregon Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 213


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Oregon Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 232


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Oregon Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 295


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Oregon 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 648


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Oregon Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 254


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Oregon Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  211 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Oregon More Oregon Weeds... More Weed ID files for Oregon  

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Oregon Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Oregon  

Pennsylvania PA Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB

Pennsylvania Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 13 noxious weeds in Pennsylvania categorized as Noxious weed (Y). 13 Free Name Links html Google 100
Pennsylvania USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. 2000. Summary of Plant Protection Regulations. 14 Free Name Links html Most 100
Pennsylvania Weed Management PennState College of Agricultural Sciences: These weed bulletins were written in a two-series set of 16 each (32 total) back in the 1980's by Dr. Thomas Lanini and Ms. Melanie Wertz. They are no longer available in hardcopy format. Although some of the chemical management information is no longer current, the biology is still very relevant. 32 Free Name Links html - PDF Yes 100
Pennsylvania Giant Hogweed and Look-A-Likes Prepared by D. Lingenfelter and W. Curran, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Penn State University: List and images of 6 weeds with appearances similar to giant hogweed. 6 Free Text with Images PDF Yes 100
Pennsylvania Invasive Plants in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Invasive plants are plants which grow quickly and aggressively, spreading and displacing other plants.  Invasives are usually introduced by people either accidentally or on purpose, into a region far from their native habitat.  Includes lists of 21 Moderate Threats, 24 Serious Threats and 8 Threats to Southeastern Pennsylvania. 53 Free Text List Only html No N/A
Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania Flora Project Botany Department, Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania: The basic taxonomic file contains 3432 records derived from nearly 400,000 herbarium specimens. Associated files include a gazetteer of over 10,000 collection sites complete with latitude and longitude coordinates, a distribution file linking species with the sites at which they have been collected, herbarium, synonym, and bibliographic files. Records can be queried taxonomically or geographically.  A search of introduced species results in a list of 945 records.  Native species number 2135. 3080 Free Select by Name,  Family, Native / Introduced, Growth Habit, Wetlands Indicator Code html No N/A
Pennsylvania Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 166


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Pennsylvania Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 203


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Pennsylvania Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 268


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Pennsylvania Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 248


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Pennsylvania 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 741


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Pennsylvania Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 342


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Pennsylvania Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  284 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Pennsylvania More Pennsylvania Weeds... More Weed ID files for Pennsylvania  

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Pennsylvania Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Pennsylvania  

Quebec, Canada PQ Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Quebec, Canada Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 77 noxious weeds in Quebec, Canada, defined as Noxious weed on cultivated lands and pasturelands (1), Noxious weed on cultivated land, pasturelands, roadsides, along railways and ditches, on vacant lots (12), Noxious weed on roadsides, along railways and ditches, on vacant lots (2), Noxious weeds wherever found in the countries of Bonaventure, Gaspe-Nord, Gaspe-Sud, Matapedia, Rimouski, Matane, Riviere-du-Loup and Temiscouata (3). 77 Free Name Links html Google 100
Quebec, Canada Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 157


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Quebec, Canada Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 211


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Quebec, Canada Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 241


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Quebec, Canada Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 208


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Quebec, Canada 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 545


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Quebec, Canada Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 233


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Quebec, Canada Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  188 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Quebec, Canada More Quebec Weeds... More Weed ID files for Quebec  

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Quebec, Canada Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Quebec  

Rhode Island RI Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Rhode Island Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 4 noxious weeds in Rhode Island identified as Noxious weed (Y). 4 Free Name Links html Google 100
Rhode Island List of Invasive Plants Rhode Island Invasive Species Council Official List of Invasive Plants in Rhode Island including 10 Widespread and Invasive species and 8 Restricted and Invasive species.. 18 Free Text List Only html Few 50
Rhode Island Invasive Wild Plants Rhode Island Wild Plant Society:  Here's a list of invasive plants to refrain from planting.  Includes description and history and some images. 6 Free Name Links html Some 60
Rhode Island Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 143


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Rhode Island Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 173


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Rhode Island Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 243


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Rhode Island Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 191


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Rhode Island 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 527


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Rhode Island Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 241


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Rhode Island Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  197 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


Rhode Island More Rhode Island Weeds... More Weed ID files for Rhode Island  

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Rhode Island Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Rhode Island?   

Saskatch-ewan, Canada SK Resource


Species # Price Selection Medium Images Size KB
Saskatchewan, Canada Invaders Database System University of Montana - Missoula List of 42 weeds in Saskatchewan, Canada, defined as Noxious weed, including seeds (Y). 42 Free Name Links html Google 100
Saskatchewan, Canada Western State and Provincial Weed List Those weeds designated as a "Noxious Weed" in Saskatchewan. 40 Free Text List Only html None N/A
Saskatchewan, Canada The Noxious Weed Designation Regulations Chapter N-9.1 Reg 2 (effective April 28, 1987) as amended by
Saskatchewan Regulations 14/1999. This consolidation is not official. Amendments have been
incorporated for convenience of reference and the original statutes
and regulations should be consulted for all purposes of interpretation
and application of the law.  See list in Appendix (page 4 of 4).
41 Free Text List Only PDF None N/A
Saskatchewan, Canada Northwest Weeds Author: Taylor, Ronald J. Pages: 183. Northwest Weeds describes and illustrates the prominent and ever-present weeds of the northwestern United States and adjacent Canada. Full-color photographs and the accompanying text emphasize the weeds' identifying characteristics. The book includes information on the origin, distribution, aggressiveness, and edibility of each weed. 128


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Saskatchewan, Canada Weeds of the Northern U. S. & Canada: A Guide for Identification By France Royer, Richard Dickinson:  434 pages, over 750 color photographs & 150 line drawings. Detailed descriptions of weeds at all growth stages. Illustrated Glossary, reference list and index. The easy to read text is complemented by excellent photographs. 199


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes N/A
Saskatchewan, Canada Weeds of the Northeast By Richard H. Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph M. Ditomaso: 416 pages, a highly-illustrated manual to 299 common & economically important weeds in the region south to Virginia, north to Maine & southern Canada, and west to Wisconsin. A fold-out grass i.d. table that provides diagnostic information for weedy grasses in an easy-to-use tabular key. A comprehensive guide. 6 x 9, 397p, color photos, line drawings, 1997. 153


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Saskatchewan, Canada Weeds of the West Weeds of the West is an extensive (640 pages), easy-to-use guide written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Wyoming Agricultural Extension. 900 color photographs show more than 350 weed species occurring in 12 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 194


Text with Images Soft Bound Yes


Saskatchewan, Canada 1200 Weeds of North America A comprehensive weed identification reference by XID Services for North America including Canada and USA.  The DVD contains an interactive key for identifying unknown weeds and the images of 200 grass-like weeds and 1000 broadleaf weeds.  Advanced software enables selection by region and key plant features. 382


Select by key plant features and region DVD Yes


Saskatchewan, Canada Interactive Encyclopedia of North American Weeds The Windows DVD-ROM contains interactive tutorials on plant identification, animations, hundreds of custom illustrations, and over 2,400 photographs.  Now covering 447 weed and crop species with complete descriptions, distribution maps for the continental United States (including Alaska) and Canada, habitats, and descriptions for 67 plant families. 163


Select by key plant features DVD-ROM Yes


Saskatchewan, Canada Weeds of the United States and Canada Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS): Version 2.0 now covers 362 weeds (Version 1.0 had 300) and also includes the major agronomic crops. It has an interactive key to identifying seedling grasses, descriptions of over 70 plant families, Larry Mitich's 'Intriguing World of Weeds' articles (courtesy of the WSSA), collar illustrations of all 79 grass species, audio narration of the tutorial sections, and much enhanced interactive quizzes and games in the tutorial section.  137 $120.00 Select by key plant features CD-Rom Yes


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Saskatchewan, Canada Multi-state Regions Gardening Books by State or Province     Need help to remove troublesome weeds in Saskatchewan  

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